Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Fly away on my Zephyr

We Brits often think that travelling our great land can be a big hassle. Balls it does! You can drive from one end of England to the other, and then back again in a day (you’d be a bit knackered but you could do it). Over here you can’t, so we took a train from SF to Chicago – the California Zephyr. The 2000 mile journey across 7 states was due to take just over 2 days, although various delays meant it lasted about 60 hours. The journey was very cool though, we got to see some amazing scenery through Nevada, Utah & Colorado, including the Sierra Nevadas, Rocky Mountains & Colorado River. Our crazy waiter, Red, in the dining car insisted on serenading us with the same song, something to do with “baby don’t cry, love is here”. We had a cosy little room in the sleeper carriage and playing cards whilst the mid-west ranges drifted by actually made time fly.

We only got a handful of photos but check out this ghosty pic from Reno train station.


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